Sunday, 28 November 2010

Grab your free ipad!

Hey Guys i found this article! You might be interested in reading it!

Hello everyone! Today i am going to show you how to get your free laptop or anything else you want! All you have to do is to follow 3 simple and easy to do steps. Firstly sign up with your real information. Secondly complete an free 30 day trial offer with your credit card or at least with a paypal account and when the offer is complete just cancel the account there and so you wont be paying any single dime for it! Now in step three you must refer people to sign up and do the same so you earn your gift,Each gift requires a specific amount of referrals. For instance a ipod nano 16GB needs 5 referrals and an iPad 16GB Wifi needs 22. Now after you complete this step you will have to wait 1 week for your gift to arrive outside your house wherever you live. Now in step 4 remember to enjoy your free gift!
Get your free ipad here!
. So how does this works? When people sign up, they complete an offer and so the website makes money. Because the people who give the offer are the companies which pay for advertising the website you create an account and so they get money to pay for your gift!So there's no need to worry for stolen things or anything else because this is all legit and working. Also this website has been shown in BBC, NBC and CNN and many more Magazines. Not to mention that they take their Spamming terms and conditions very seriously because if anyone usesspamming then he will be banned immediately! For more information about it and to sign up, visit our website here: free ipad

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Hey Guys! I found this article that you might be interested in

Hello and thanks for Reading my Article on how to get free electronics worldwide!To receive your gift you will have to do 3 things. Firstly, Sign up and put your real information,address,zip code and country so they can ship the gift to the right person. When you are selecting your country, if your country is not available, click the other and they will find your country and so you don't have to worry. Secondly you need to sign up an offer.If you live in UK, sign up the LoveFilm which is free or if you live anywhere else then Sign up to any other Offer wich may not be free but you need to pay 5 dollars or you sign up with 30 days free trial. Also instead of completing a offer you can refer 3 people to Sign Up to that website. Thirdly, after selecting your gift you will have to refer a specific number of people to Sign Up. If you want to find out how to get referrals then visit our website and get your free ipad here!Also if you want to see proof then visit our website and see our videos and testimonials! To find the website where you can get your free gift, just visit our website and there you will find at the top of our page the link to the website. When you visit our website make sure you check all the pages and spend your time there to learn everything you need to know because this is a one life chance. Make sure you check our Contact Us page and if you contact us we will be sending you information and tips and tricks to get your gift faster!Get your free ipad here!